Friday, May 17, 2013


I thought I'd do a pre and a post. This is a huge moment for me. I have thought about this for a long time. Now that it's here I'm so nervous and keep thinking about a way to get out of it. I think my biggest problem is that I want to go in there and be super fast and that's why I'm nervous because I know I can't do the whole thing that fast (I've tried and ended up getting dehydrated and really sick). So I just need to chill and know that I am capable of doing the whole thing even if it is slow. Finishing is the goal, not speed. I've done pretty good on food this week. I had dessert Monday but havn't had it since. So my body should be functioning and feeling good. Man I have butterflies just typing this!! Wish me luck!!!

1 comment:

Karalynn said...

Congrats! Now post your post one.